Fundraising for Better World

GEarth will raise fund for GLTS Charity purposes that includes:

  1. Feed the children to ensure nutrition
  2. Tree plantation for restoring green world,
  3. Building GLTS Center of Leadership and empower the world.
  4. To carry out its principal purpose of developing water safety initiatives through research, activities, campaigns, supportive educational resources for delivery to the community;
  5. Donate winter clothes, foods so that poor people can get their immediate needs.

Mode of Fundraise:

  1. Crowd Fundraising
  2. Auction
  3. Sponsor
  4. Donation


  • Feed the poor children: For one child USD5 or BDT350 Taka/ Day will be raised to feed
  • Tree Plantation: For one plant USD2 or BDT150 Taka will be raised.
  • Support GLTS Support Center : Any amount
  • Auction: Products made by the needy children/youth.